I ask this question to myself all the time. I even start questioning why I put so much importance on things that everyone else does, like making money, having a career, and finding ‘the one.’

There have been several deaths in my family the last few years. A couple of those deaths greatly impacted me, even though I only interacted with those family members through social media and in person once every few years. These family members led a life of superficiality and I doubt that they were truly happy within themselves. They were always chasing money and attention from those other than their loved ones.

I constantly work hard in my job and in my personal life. I work hard to the point of burn out sometimes. Sometimes I lay in bed for hours on end and wonder what I’m doing and what is the point of everything. As I’m writing, I’m still trying to figure that out. It may seem like I am babbling on this blog post right now, but I am just laying out my thoughts as to how to move forward. The main question I have is: What is the point of working so hard if we all just die anyway?” As I learn new things and research more on this very question, I’ll write more as to what I think the meaning of life is. Life has been hard for me and I haven’t always been dealt a great hand. Being motivated to truly live and enjoy life has gotten tougher as the years have gone by. In the next year, I hope to find the answers that I’m seeking and help myself out of this mental ‘hole’ that I am in.

“I am not the only traveler who has not repaid his debt. I’ve been searching for a trail to follow again.” -Lord Huron in the song ‘The Night We Met.’

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